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  • #2142140

    Website Speed Optimization using manual coding and fixing

    by Anonymous ·


    I have a website that is live and operational however it is slow. The Page Insight speed is low.

    And since yesterday it has somehow gotten worse and all I did was install then uninstall a plugin. I need to do a clean up I think off old CSS and such. There are details of what I need to change on that speed insight result but the guide on how to fix it there is not good. I tried some of the fixes and it had 0 effect. Is there some code examples or better information I can get from you forum users about how I can speed up my WordPress based site. It is using Woocommerce and Dokan in a multi-vendor setup.

    Incase you are wondering after looking at the name and checking it I made it because I was disgusted by the conduct and privacy policies of Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Ebay (/Gumtree), Youtube & every single social media/ecommerce platform. It is 100% functional it is just a speed issue which I think can be optimized I just need some expert community advice on how to do this and in a way that does not cause it to be slower. Using some of the plugins for wordpress does absolutely nothing for me and infact 2 made it worse.

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    • #2417053
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      What’s your score?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Website Speed Optimization using manual coding and fixing

      For a primer I’m going with

      Tell us what the current score is because once in a while folk tell me it’s low but we see it above 50. Which is fine.

    • #2417036

      Speed Optimization using manual coding and fixing

      by gurcharansingh ·

      In reply to Website Speed Optimization using manual coding and fixing

      Hi apexinterface,

      Greeting for the day!

      I would love to answer your query as I have personal experience with my blog website.So you are running wordpress site.. its much easy to implemention thing on ..Wordpress have plugin option to easy our work.

      But when we come to on side speed -I must recommend don’t go with plugin you must do work with Developer.

      The website speed makes the first impression about your business. It’s essential to understand that you won’t get a second chance when it comes to user experience. Low website speed is one of the most frustrating things that will turn people off about your resource.

      Importance of website speed optimization
      Page load time is a web performance metric that shows the time needed for a page to show on the user screen.

      Let’s take a look at how the website speed optimization influences the key factors of website success:


      In fact, if you’ve worked on your site speed in the past, your site may already be in line with some of these best practices.With that in mind, let’s get started.

      Minimize HTTP requests
      Minify and combine files
      Use asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript files
      Defer JavaScript loading
      Minimize time to first byte
      Reduce server response time
      Enable compression
      Choose the right hosting option for your needs
      Enable browser caching
      Run a compression audit
      Reduce image sizes

      Getting your page load times to where you want them to be is a challenging undertaking, but will have a significant positive impact on your overall site performance.

      It’s also important to remember that while all of the tips on this page can help you achieve your site speed goals, you don’t need to implement all of them today.

      Spend some time looking through your site’s speed test results and look for the issues that have the greatest impact on your load times. Focus on those high-impact factors and take the necessary steps to get them into shape.


    • #2417600

      website speed optimization

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Website Speed Optimization using manual coding and fixing

      Currently, a typical user expects web pages to load less than after 3 seconds. If you don’t meet this expectation barrier, you lose a lot of website traffic and, as a result, your revenue.

      So, we recommend applying a simple yet effective website speed optimization approach:

      Check and evaluate the key factors of website success, considering conversion, visibility, and usability.
      Test your current website speed and prioritize the pages and features that need the most attention in regard to these three factors.
      Start your optimization with the most speed-reducing aspects and focus on the pages that define your conversion success the most.

    • #2413685

      website speed optimization

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Website Speed Optimization using manual coding and fixing

      Website performance optimization, the focal point of technologically superior website designs is the primary factor dictating success for modern online businesses. After all, unimpressive website performance kills a businesses’ bottom line when the torture of waiting for slow Web pages to load frustrates visitors into seeking alternatives – impatience is a digital virtue!

      Website performance is user experience – the power of page speed, translating into attractive online shopping experience inspires sales figures and eventually determines online business success. The industry kingpin Google began factoring page speed into its proprietary search algorithms ever since it experienced the compelling repercussions of website performance lapses impacting sales. The search engine giant once experienced a 20 percent slump in traffic resulting from half a second delay in page load times.

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