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  • #2136999

    Weird problem with HP Pavilion DV6


    by aimlesssidekick ·


    I got a computer from some friends, and they said they couldn’t get it to work. After buying it for $50 I found that it worked but I thought maybe the inverter was fried because the screen would not work when turned on, however it worked fine with an external monitor. After a few times restarting the computer, the screen came on like nothing was wrong! However when shut down the screen won’t come on again and I have to reset it a few times to get it to come back on. So the screen technically works. Another thing is that if I just hibernate the computer, or put it to sleep and as long as it has a power supply, when I wake up the computer it again works fine with the screen working and everything.

    Even weirder though, if I try to play a game or watch certain videos on this computer (vine videos are the worst offender) the screen will “die” and go black and the computer with freeze up as well.

    Now like I said this was a $50 investment so I have no problem spending some money to fix it.

    Any idea what could be wrong?

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    • #2901782

      GPU on motherboard problem

      by robo_dev ·

      In reply to Weird problem with HP Pavilion DV6

      Online videos create heat, this opens up cracked solder connections where video processor is soldered to motherboard.

      HP laptops are legendary for this, there was a class-action lawsuit, but the time has expired on that.

      The long-term fix is a new motherboard. I have fixed a couple of these by re-flowing the GPU solder connections with heat gun. (there are YouTube videos about how to do this).

      There are also companies who can repair the motherboard for $75 on eBay.

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