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  • #3949001

    What are the methods we can use to fix the windows 10 blue screen error?

    by peterlofin ·

    Why do I get the blue screen of windows 10? Can someone help me on how to fix this error.

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    • #3949006
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      Need more information

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to What are the methods we can use to fix the windows 10 blue screen error?

      How long has this been occurring? How often does it happen? What make/model of computer? Does it happen when accessing a certain application or installed software? Is there any type of error message showing on the Blue Screen of Death (excuse the old expression)?

    • #3949029
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      Re: blue screen

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to What are the methods we can use to fix the windows 10 blue screen error?

      That’s not an error, that’s a large collection of errors, and most have more than one cause and more than one solution.

      If the course is hardware, repairing that is the only solution. If the cause is software or settings, a clean install of Windows is possible solution, if you aren’t inclined to do some sleuthing yourself.
      That research begins with googling the error code, like 0x0000007C (and, as I said, many others).

    • #3949294

      Some ways

      by old molases ·

      In reply to What are the methods we can use to fix the windows 10 blue screen error?

      When it comes to fixing the blue screen issue in Windows 10/11, there are a few different methods that might be used to take care of the ongoing issues. Some of them are discussed below for your convenience.

      1. Scan your computer for virus

      Make sure that you are using the latest variant of antivirus and then perform a thorough virus scan on your computer in order to identify any possible threats and free your computer of those unwanted viruses.

      2. Apply all the updates and service packs

      Service packs comprise of patches that help in improving the operations of Windows 10/11. So you need to check out your windows service packs by going to Control Panel > System.

      The majority of the patches may be found by opening the Windows Update center. You may check your computer for installed patches by going to Settings > Updates and Security.

      3. Test your System Memory

      Step 1. Open the Run command box by clicking Windows key + R simultaneously and type in mdsched.exe followed by Enter key.
      Step 2. Hit the “Restart now and check for problems” button to restart your computer and check out your memory status immediately.
      Step 3. A blue screen will be displayed showing the memory check progress for your computer.
      fter the completion of the process, you will be provided with the results suggesting if the computer is suffering from any bad memory or not.

      4. Run a Hard Disk Drive test

      Close all the programs on your system and follow the instructions given below.

      Step 1. Go to Start > File Explorer > This PC

      Step 2. Make a right-click on the local drive that you want to check and hit “Properties”.

      Step 3. Open the “Tools” tab and hit the “Check” button.

      Step 4. Make sure that there are no issues with your hard drive.

      5. Use safe mode to roll back drivers

      Sometimes the blue screen of death issue arises due to incorrect drivers. So the best strategy is to roll them back to the previous versions. In order to do so, follow the steps given below.

      Step 1. Boot your computer in Safe Mode

      Step 2. Open up the run command box press Windows key + R simultaneously and type in devmgmt.exe followed by the enter key.

      Step 3. In the list of devices, select the device for which the driver rollback is required. Make a right-click and open its Properties.

      Step 4. Open the “Driver” tab. Hit the “Rollback Driver” button.

    • #3949296

      Reply To: What are the methods we can use to fix the windows 10 blue screen error?

      by RachelGomez161999 ·

      In reply to What are the methods we can use to fix the windows 10 blue screen error?

      Windows 10 Blue Screen System Service Exception is one of the Windows errors in which your computer’s screen turns blue. It causes your computer to restart, and if you have not saved the data, all the unsaved data would be gone.

      As there are different sources of the problem, numerous ways are also there to approach its effective solution. Moreover, you can try to solve the issue by a thorough examination of the Windows 10 file system and updating drivers. If it still doesn’t, here are some of the potential ways to fix the BSOD system service exception error.

      1. Update Windows 10
      2. Scan and Repair Damaged Windows System Files
      3. Update or Reinstall Windows Drivers
      4. Disable third-party antivirus
      5. Disable your webcam to Fix System Service Exception (ks.sys)
      6. Remove VPN Software to Fix System Service Exception (ntfs.sys)
      7. Run the troubleshooter
      8. Check the hard drive
      9. Run Windows Memory Diagnostic tool
      10. Update BIOS

      This may help you,
      Rachel Gomez

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