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    What computers can run macOS?

    by reinina05 ·

    Will my Mac run MacOS Monterey?

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    • #3940085
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      Need more information

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to What computers can run macOS?

      You asked what computers can run MacOS and the obvious answer is a Mac computer, but without knowing which model you are using, it is impossible to say if it will run Mac OS Monterey.

    • #3940073
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      Computer information needed

      by mrmacfixit ·

      In reply to What computers can run macOS?

      Specifically the Model Identifier.
      Go to the Apple Menu, top left of the screen, and choose “About This Mac”
      At the window that opens, choose “System Report” and then, in the left pane, click Hardware.
      In the Hardware Overview, note the “Model Identifier”
      It will be something along the lines of “iMac18,3”
      Your number may be different. The word iMac is obviously only applicable if you have an iMac, any other model of Mac will show its model name before the two number.

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