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  • #2143344

    What cost for making passenger business apps for my startup?

    by johnslezak911 ·


    Recently I have decided to help my father business digitally. First, I want to spread services locally and if we will get success digitally. Then I will expand my business national level.

    I am trying to figure out how much my app and website cost. As none of the single sources provide me good much depth pieces of information.

    I am confusing about getting costs from many development companies. As I got much range.

    I need suggestions on how much should I pay for my passenger transportation business app.

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    • #2421802

      Depends on Various Factors!

      by jasonpotterfield ·

      In reply to What cost for making passenger business apps for my startup?

      Hey, thanks for asking the question. Let us try and provide the aptest answer for your query.

      First and foremost, I would like to address the fact that it is normal to undergo a little confusion before starting something new. These days, in order to build the foundation of any business and assure its sempiternal growth, it is necessary that you work hand in hand with the popular trend.

      Going digital is the only way to streamline all the business processes, and since you are focused in the same direction, success is just a few blocks away.

      Coming back to your question regarding the price of your passenger business app, it is necessary for you to know that the exact cost depends on different factors. For example:

      1. Number of features that you want in your app;
      2. Technology that you want your app to be based on;
      3. Specific kind of quality which you are looking for;
      4. Team & time required for your project.

      But if still, you want a specific number then it would cost you around 15k to 25k USD.

      Hope this answers your doubt.

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