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  • #3971187

    what do i need to know about laptop charger before buying it?


    by shivajikobardan ·


    -> my laptop is dell inspiron i5 5567 laptop.

    -> my charger specifications are 19.5V,3.34A,65W.

    It is positive polarity adapter.

    -> How do I know if it is small pin or large pin? (I am ordering online so need to know it) It seems like it is 4.5 mm.

    -> The service tag is 8BNWK22

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    • #3971194
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      Enter all those relevant numbers into your favorite search engine

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to what do i need to know about laptop charger before buying it?

      will more than likely give you results that are compatible with your laptop. You can also search at for exact OEM replacements. There is probably a serial number/model number or other identifying numbers on the charger itself. Using this you can narrow your search results.

    • #3971208
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      Mom lost a dell charger.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to what do i need to know about laptop charger before buying it?

      I went on amazon and ordered it up. For the search it was something like:
      dell inspiron i5 5567 laptop CHARGER.

      Wasn’t hard to find at all. Or I could have ordered it from Dell.

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