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  • #2144568

    What do you like to do outside of work?

    by claireb1 ·


    What do you like to do after/ outside of work? Hobbies, places you like to go to, activities, etc.

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    • #2423582

      My work is done, now I play…

      by john.a.wills ·

      In reply to What do you like to do outside of work?

      but I still seem to be terribly busy. I rise, usually, at 06:00, leave the house to get on the bus for church at 07:00, get home about 08:30 – and then, very often, find there is some appointment I must keep (four tomorrow (Friday), two on Monday). I try to read my daily newspaper (except the sports and some of the culture), a seventh of the Economist ( a fifth for a while, for I have been away from home for a week), at least two pieces of snailmail, my email (Trump and all his would-be opponents are sure I am behind them, although I fail to donate), something from CACM, an article from American Scientist and then one from JPS, before delving into my current background book (currently a Jeeves story). I can do some of this on bus or train, but I often fail to finish the list.

      Things I HAVE to do at least weekly include grocery shopping, choir practice, Bible study (I spend say 20 minutes a day on Bible meditation and an hour a week with friends at church), daily physiotherapy for various ailments… Sometimes I think I was more relaxed before retirement.

    • #2423576

      Mostly Video Games

      by ·

      In reply to What do you like to do outside of work?

      After some grueling hours, I like to play some fighting games. I have a game on my mobile phone that i been playing nowadays tho, called HADES’ STAR. Otherwise its mostly just mundane.

    • #2423573

      outside of work

      by verapantano ·

      In reply to What do you like to do outside of work?

      I need to stay calm without any interruption until I myself feel I’m relaxed.

    • #2423480

      My kind of RELAX

      by s1ckel1z08 ·

      In reply to What do you like to do outside of work?

      Playing this final fantasy brave exvius (link removed by moderator), having beer, reading books. My favourite is drinking beer in quite bar, smoking cigarettes and read book.

      Often, I watch TV series too, but I am usually years behind because I am one of those annoying people “I actually read book before it was filmed” so I am not much motivated. Usually I watch when all series is done and aired.

      Rarely I go to movies because I am that annoying guy who “read it before it was filmed”

      I spend lot of free time preparing D&D quests

    • #2423459

      I enjoy being in the nature

      by morglaw33 ·

      In reply to What do you like to do outside of work?

      I really enjoy the nature. Usually, almost every day I go for a walk with my dog, and I like long walks (of course when the weather gives me the opportunity to do it).
      Also I really enjoy hiking and discover new places, so I often organize such things with my friends. Sometimes when we all have the possibility we stay outside few days, I really love sleeping in the middle of the nature.
      When I am home I like reading and watch movies, sometimes TV series too, play games… but this mostly happens when we have bad weather

    • #2417864

      Family Man

      by rajatrajput2816 ·

      In reply to What do you like to do outside of work?

      Hangout with my friends and family.

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