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  • #2086956

    What do you take with you?


    by alacrity ·

    Over the years I have added several handy tools. Some are software, some are hardware, and some are printed sheets. I’d like to know what other service tech’s take along. Of cource there are the common SCrew driver and set of bits (for those @#$%^ torx screws) Virsu scan disks, etc. But what utilities do you feel you can’t live without. Several years I wouln’t think of leaving my desk without Xtree Gold, Norton utilities v4.5, PC Pro, and a good P.O.S.T card. Now, however, my service kit also has a Digital Multimeter, Dental picks, an Ultra Stat, OEM version of Win 98 SE and boot disk, several MFG cd-roms form various hardware installs, a few home made CD’s with service packs, patches, older drivers (I still have to support WFW 3.11:)

    So… What do YOU have, and what can’t you live without? Is there a utility that I should add to my arsonal (I didn’t giv a complete list of my box, this is just to start you off.)

    Neal White

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