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  • #2160251

    What do you think about performance appraisels?


    by resumebiz ·

    From your experience –Are performance appraisels good for the worker and for the boss? As a worker, can your grow in your career, take risks and develop useful leadership skills and learn to satisfy your boss by committing to certain goals. Or is it a nighmare senario where you never really communicated with your boss very well and you have no idea about what you really agreed to and the kind of growth you seek was never articulated really. Eventually, you find that the boss finds fault with you and the only way you can sense his ire is by the low salary increase you’ve gotten and he can’t explain to you what you’re doing wrong or right. Give examples of your feelings and examples of what happened to you.

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    • #2748356

      I think they are a good thing

      by forum surfer ·

      In reply to What do you think about performance appraisels?

      That is, providing you have have the ability to communicate with your manager/director. If done correctly, you’ll keep yourself on track and realize if you are starting to become stagnate. I’ve never took a position in a company without advancing before I decide to move on to bigger and better things. Carefully reviewing my manager/director’s opinion…even if I don’t agree with him/her…constantly reminds me where I’m at and what I need to do to advance.

      Some manager’s have different thought processes than we as employees have, and we may need to check ourselves every once in awhile in order to stay employed or advance. Appraisals are a written record, so be sure to document your attempts to overcome your perceived or real shortcomings. At least if you end up with a bad manager, you can do what he asks since you have it in writing on your appraisal to CYA on paper until you can find better employment elsewhere. I’ve done that in the past and actually ended up in a management role beside the manager in question once his superiors reviewed my performance and talked with other coworkers.

      Know what’s expected of you (appraisals are handy for that), try to exceed that and first and foremost…cover your arse.

      But ask me again Friday night at the pub with my date after a couple of drinks and I’ll you performance appraisals are about as useful as TPS reports.


    • #2767904

      What do you think of knives?

      by tony hopkinson ·

      In reply to What do you think about performance appraisels?

      It’s a tool, you can save someone’s life with surgery, or cut their heart out.

      Nothing to do with the tool, everything to do with the people at either end of it.

      Now if you got your machete out to give me an appendectomy….

      When all’s said and done for an employer it’s about as getting as much as you can for as little as you can. The reverse is also true, but you don’t see many performance appraisal schemes defined by employees.

    • #2438656

      Performance appraisals seem to work best when it is a 2 way street…

      by 0zymand1a5 ·

      In reply to What do you think about performance appraisels?

      Some companies exercise a policy where the staff also report back on the performance of their manager. This seems to create a much more equitable balance of power.

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