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  • #2141819

    What is a SharePoint list?

    by sparrowj ·


    A list is essentially a container where you put data. At the most basic level, a list resembles a table in a traditional SQL database, but in SharePoint, it is more complex than that.

    Unlike a traditional SQL database where the table defines what data you store in each row, each item in SharePoint has a schema defined by the type of content the item represents.

    Each list has one or more content types attached, and it is really the content type that decides how the item appears, behaves, and what data or fields an item contains. For example, you can have a “Contact” item containing details like name, address, email, phone number, and so on, and you can have a “Task” item, which contains a task description, deadlines, dependent tasks, and so on.

    An item in SharePoint is thus a more autonomous entity than in traditional databases. A list can contain any of these items as long as the item’s content type is associated with the list. You can have, if you wish, a list with both contacts and tasks.

    As such, a list simply stores items like a container, and the items are themselves responsible for presenting the user with the required fields for creating, editing, and displaying data.

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    • #2422043


      by jackdanielsking2 ·

      In reply to What is a SharePoint list?

      List in Microsoft 365 list is a collection of data that gives you and your co-workers a flexible way to organize information. You can create lists in Microsoft SharePoint, the Lists app in Microsoft 365, or Teams
      .One can add columns for different types of data, such as text, currency, or multiple choice. Create views to display data effectively. Sort, group, format, and filter lists to highlight the most important information. A list can include people, links, pictures, dates, and more. Track the history of a list item over time with versions and use Power Automate to automate processes.
      Thus Microsoft list Is a container where one can put their data

    • #2419092

      What is a SharePoint list?

      by benmartin9920 ·

      In reply to What is a SharePoint list?

      A list in Microsoft 365 list is a collection of data that gives you and your co-workers a flexible way to organize information. You can create lists in Microsoft SharePoint, the Lists app in Microsoft 365, or Teams. To learn more, see Add list items. Learn to get started with Lists in Microsoft Teams.
      You can add columns for different types of data, such as text, currency, or multiple choice. Create views to display data effectively. Sort, group, format and filter lists to highlight the most important information. A list can include people, links, pictures, dates, and more. Track history of a list item over time with versions and use Power Automate to automate processes.
      Unlike SharePoint document libraries, lists are not created by default when you create a site. Add them wherever you need to.
      To know more about Share Point and different Microsoft Products, feel free to visit

      I hope this helps!
      Ben Martin

    • #2419041

      share point list

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to What is a SharePoint list?

      SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in 2001, SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantialSharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in 2001, SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially among organizations. ly among organizations.
      A list in Microsoft 365 list is a collection of data that gives you and your co-workers a flexible way to organize information. You can create lists in Microsoft SharePoint, the Lists app in Microsoft 365, or Teams.

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