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    What is an easy way to tell that your device has a form of malware?

    by cshives ·


    Laptop has been acting up recently but I can’t tell if it’s cause its old and needs replaced or if something is broken or if it has malware or some sort of virus.
    By acting up I mean, black screen, missing icons, missing apps, glitchy screen upon start.

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      Reply To: What is an easy way to tell that your device has a form of malware?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to What is an easy way to tell that your device has a form of malware?

      To answer your question: If your antivirus doesn’t find anything it’s unlikely there is malware.

      The foolproof way to tell if it’s hardware or software is to do a clean install of Windows. If all is fine then it was some software issue (not necessarily malware, since there is a lot of other software on your laptop) and your problems are gone.

      Happy computing!

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