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  • #4285278

    What is the best Gpu for a low price

    by hopkieb27 ·


    What is the lowest price for a really good gpu nowadays?

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    • #4285292
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      Reply To: What is the best Gpu for a low price

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to What is the best Gpu for a low price

      Please define “really good” as opposed to “good”, “mediocre” and “bad”.

    • #4285346
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      Reply To: What is the best Gpu for a low price

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to What is the best Gpu for a low price

      The best GPU depends heavily on the motherboard you will be using. Not all GPU’s are compatible with some interfaces on the motherboard.

    • #4286277

      What is the best Gpu for a low price

      by bottleneckc ·

      In reply to What is the best Gpu for a low price

      The best budget GPU depends on your needs, but options like the NVIDIA GTX 1650 or AMD RX 6400 offer great performance for their price. For slightly better performance at a low cost, consider the GTX 1660 Super or RX 6600. Always check current prices and availability as they can vary.

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