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  • #3937952

    What is the best software for screen and keystroke recording?

    by jkouroyen ·

    Hi all,

    I’m looking for a software program that will record user’s sessions; screen, audio, and keystrokes for security purposes. I know that this is a normal practice in larger companies I have worked for, but I can’t remember the name of the software we used, nor can I find anything on Google.

    I need this software to function silently in the background because my executives don’t want our end users to know that we are watching them.



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    • #3939296
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      You didn’t mention which Operating System.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to What is the best software for screen and keystroke recording?

      At one place I worked we used Linux that was clean installed by the developers in the company. The IT staff kept trying to get involved but did nothing but create problems so the developer lead who happened to have a stake in the company fired the IT lead because of interfering with production.

      Back to you. Are you sure your fleet of PCs have ample processing power and bandwidth for this? Do you have storage for this? And how do you intend to review the dozens of recordings? No executive I know will pay for such work.

      Finally, keystroke recording is a REALLY BAD IDEA as your security (passwords and more) are now recorded. Great way to sink a company?

      • #3939281

        Thank You For Your Response

        by jkouroyen ·

        In reply to You didn’t mention which Operating System.

        Thank you for your response,

        As I posted this question to the Windows forum, I figured it was self-explanatory what operating system I’m referring to. However, Let me be more specific, all of our machines are running on Windows 10 Ver. 21H1. Second, not sure what the first part of your response is regarding nor how it pertains to my question.

        Second, our fleet of PCs can handle what ever we throw at them. We most certainly have the bandwidth, and we would only be using this data as evidence in the event of a breach of contract so no one would be viewing it except our lawyers should the need arise. I can assure you that our security protocols are as near air-tight as technologically possible so I’m not worried about external breaches. All information will be kept on a portable, air-gapped SSDs that will be stored in a state-of-the-art safe. I can assure you that my executives are willing to pay ANY PRICE to ensure our intellectual property is kept safe, as loosing that would be the actual way to sink our company. This is why they have tasked me with this assignment.

        Lastly, and this goes for everyone on this thread, please only answer the question I have originally asked and try not to let your ego’s cloud the feed with unnecessary responses. If anyone has a Windows 10 software solution for my problem, great! Otherwise, please keep scrolling.

        Thank you for your time,


        • #3939273
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          The software genre looks to be

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Thank You For Your Response

          “USER ACTIVITY MONITORING” which we can find offerings via google.

          No company I know does this for reasons such as noted above and more but your company and country differ so I’ll give you the genre name so you can begin comparisons.

          One small problem is that Windows won’t and can’t hide all processes so that’s something you may have to compromise on. I know others have been pissed off about that but hey, take it up with Microsoft.

        • #3939268

          Thank You!!

          by jkouroyen ·

          In reply to The software genre looks to be

          Okay, thank you very much for the insight, very much appreciated.


    • #3938714

      Some options

      by old molases ·

      In reply to What is the best software for screen and keystroke recording?

      Veriato Cerebral

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