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  • #4259133

    What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

    by hopkieb27 ·

    I was thinking about buying a computer for my job and I was wondering, how much RAM should you buy? I have to run a good few tabs for my work and I was wondering if I should get 16 GB of RAM or more?

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    • #4259136
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      Reply To: What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      You might not need that much RAM right now, but who knows if it what you might in a couple of years. If you can afford it, I say that 16 is a better choice. I wouldn’t go with less than 8 GB personally to better make the computer future-proof.

    • #4259225
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      Here, almost none with less than 16GB

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      But no mention of the job.

      For AI development we get fire breathing i9 machines with 64GB or more.
      For Office work we get 16GB and SSD (no HDD!)

      • #4259274
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        Reply To: What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Here, almost none with less than 16GB

        I remember my Apple II computer in 1977 came with 4K of memory and could only be upgraded to 32K. Funny how much computers have changed to needing several GB of memory today.

        • #4282611

          And they also run slower wiht all that RAM in them

          by oh smeg ·

          In reply to Reply To: What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

          I remember a P2 Dual Processor M’Board from Gigabyte with Dual SCSI Channels and IDE the normal amount that when running Server 2003 and a maximum of 1 GIG of RAM 4 x 256K used to run rings around everything else available . So much so I had XP Pro loaded onto it latter and it was blindingly fast, when it eventually died and was replaced with the fastest Core 2 Duo CPU and as much RAM as the M’Board could carry it was so slow that it felt like I had gone back to using a 286.

          Funny thing is we now carry millions of times the computing power that took man to the moon in our pockets and they could never perform the same job as the OS’s are so bloated and slow these days, seems that the better that they make things the slower that they are.

    • #4259384

      Re: What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      by InShotsPro ·

      In reply to What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      If you’re going to run multiple tabs and applications simultaneously, 16 GB of RAM is generally a good starting point. It can handle everyday multitasking, browsing with many tabs, and even some more intensive applications. However, if your work involves resource-heavy tasks like video editing, software development, or running virtual machines, you might want to consider 32 GB of RAM for smoother performance and future-proofing.

      Here are some recommendations:
      – **8 GB RAM**: For basic tasks like web browsing, word processing, and light multitasking.
      – **16 GB RAM**: Ideal for moderate multitasking, running multiple tabs, and standard software like Photoshop.
      – **32 GB RAM**: For heavy multitasking, gaming, video editing, or development work.

      Also, check your computer’s RAM upgrade potential in case you need to upgrade later.

    • #4260040

      What recommendations do you have for buying RAM

      by harmakr26 ·

      In reply to What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      For running multiple tabs and regular tasks, 16 GB of RAM is usually sufficient and cost-effective.

    • #4261257


      by westbda26 ·

      In reply to What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      16 GB Should be perfect for your work station computer!

      • #4273886

        Reply To: What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

        by garloom26 ·

        In reply to RAM

        16 GB might be quite a lot of money for an under 1K computer. However this amount of RAM will be able to suit anything they will try to do.

    • #4263470

      Ram Recommendations

      by deisekj26 ·

      In reply to What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      When buying ram the best is too look at the clock speed and storage the best for ddr4 would be 3200mhz and 16gb to 32gb and for ddr5 6400mhz would be the best and 32gb to 64gb

    • #4267189

      Essential Tips for Buying RAM: What You Need to Know

      by yolandasmith ·

      In reply to What recommendations do you have for buying RAM?

      For buying RAM, consider these key points:


      16 GB is good for multitasking.
      32 GB is better for heavy applications.

      Ensure it matches your motherboard (usually DDR4).

      Look for speeds of 3200 MHz or higher.
      Dual Channel:

      Buy in pairs (e.g., 2×8 GB for 16 GB) for better performance.

      Choose reputable brands like Corsair or Crucial.

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