
  • Creator
  • #2143687

    What software should I use to build for both Apple and android?

    by dominicjones0696 ·


    Hi all,

    I’m just starting out and have not really had any experience building apps. I have a few good ideas however I would like to use a software which has options for the app ive built to export straight to both the App Store and android store. Does anyone have any suggestions for an aspiring app developer?



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All Answers

  • Author
    • #2422581

      Mobile app

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to What software should I use to build for both Apple and android?

      With a small investment of time and a willingness to learn, you can create and manage your mobile site or application using one of the app-building platforms listed below.
      2.Mobile roadie
      4.Good barber
      5.Appy Pie
      6. App machine
      7.Game salad
      8.Bizness Apps
      9.App Makr
      10. ShoutEm

      • #2422548

        Mobile app

        by azharinstaberry ·

        In reply to Mobile app

        nice info

      • #2421621

        Help a beginner

        by michaelm929 ·

        In reply to Mobile app

        If you’re starting from scratch with an HTML background which platform would you suggest?
        I need the right framework for any updates or new integrations in the future. I would start basic, but do not want to be limited to basic app features.

    • #2422457

      im also new

      by themotivator ·

      In reply to What software should I use to build for both Apple and android?

      but i was abble to use appypie to make a prototype app already. pretty easy and accessible for most app types

    • #2422421

      re dom

      by shadexzcrerry5 ·

      In reply to What software should I use to build for both Apple and android?

      I personally prefer apple

    • #2422406

      Cross-Platform App Development Tools

      by helenfoster786 ·

      In reply to What software should I use to build for both Apple and android?

      In 2019 you should take the cross-platform development approach. It’s good for developing your brand’s visibility and increasing your outreach.
      Here are some tools that you can use for developing android as well as iOS mobile apps:

      1) React Native

      2) Xamarin

      3) Corona

      4) Appcelerator

      (links removed by moderator)

    • #2421586

      Go for ionic

      by bitgeek33 ·

      In reply to What software should I use to build for both Apple and android?

      Learn ionic, it will give you more freedom and flexibility in long term.

      Their docs are thorough and if you are familiar with Jquery/Javascript, you will do file with angular too.

    • #2421918

      There are monthly charges and publishing charges

      by app+web ·

      In reply to What software should I use to build for both Apple and android?

      Do compare the monthly charges of using each of these software. And, also do take note whether the monthly charge is for just Android or Apple or both or just for a webapp,

      Quite a number of them have a fixed rate for certain features and functions and another two or three higher rates for increased features and functions. I should think the monthly charge shouldn’t be more than US$30/month.

      There is separate publishing charge from Android (one time US$25) and Apple (annual US$99). I should think there shouldn’t be any publishing charge for webapp though, but some are charging for webapp on publishing charge.

      Trust the above is helpful info.

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