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    What tools are the best to create wordpress theme without any plugins used?

    by Angel Amr Lave ·

    What are the best tools to create wordpress theme without using any plugins ?

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    • #4162094
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      Do you remember “A bad workman blames his tools”

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to What tools are the best to create wordpress theme without any plugins used?

      From that the best tools are the ones you know how to use.

      Also, there have been a few that want to create apps and themes using nothing but a text editor. These folk can’t be helped.

      My answer, use the tools you find are best. My best tools are not your best tools.

    • #4164007

      Best tools to create wordpress theme

      by gulshan212 ·

      In reply to What tools are the best to create wordpress theme without any plugins used?

      Well, there are lots of tools that you can choose to create wordpress theme without using any plugins some of them which are most used and popular are listed below:
      1. WordPress
      2. Code Editor
      3. Version Control
      4. FTP Client

    • #4164668

      This requires a strong grasp of web development technologies.

      by LouisDay ·

      In reply to What tools are the best to create wordpress theme without any plugins used?

      To start, you’ll need an understanding of HTML, CSS, and PHP, which are fundamental for designing and structuring your theme.

      Utilize a good code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to write clean, efficient code. Additionally, using a CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS can streamline your stylesheets. Leveraging a front-end framework like Bootstrap or Foundation can help with responsive design and layout. It’s also essential to learn about WordPress template hierarchy, which guides how WordPress interprets different template files.

      Lastly, familiarize yourself with WordPress functions and tags to dynamically display content in your theme. With these tools and knowledge, you can build a custom WordPress theme from scratch without relying on plugins.

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