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  • #2269908

    What TR does right


    by danlm ·

    What origionally attracted me to this web site was the technical articles and blogs. I still come here for that reason.

    When TR originally asked for suggestions on what they could do to improve the site, I asked for a diversity in the technical article area. They have done that from what I see. I also see new bloggers here offering different technical topics. They improved the area that I thought was most important.

    To me, the forums are not the main purpose of this web site. The technical information and exchange of same type of information is. As long as TR keeps up providing this type of content, I will continue to come here.

    You may not see me posting as much lately as you did previously, but that is simply because I do not think I have anything to contribute. And to be truthful, I have been using this site for my original purpose. The tech articles.

    With that said, Beth I tried to send you and email saying the same thing. roflmao, I got the page not found and I don’t think you ever got it.

    Some things are best left simple. Simple functionality is always what I try to provide to users. That way it doesn’t break. May I sugest the same for here. Then you can get me some more articles/bloggers on things I care about most. perl, unix, windows, tech toys, .net, new languages, networking, security. I think you see my point.


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    • #2600757

      Excellent points

      by michael jay ·

      In reply to What TR does right

      Thanks Dan, I think that you nailed it.

    • #2602295

      Most complaints seem to be with design, not content

      by charliespencer ·

      In reply to What TR does right

      Most of the recent dissatisfied posters have more issues with the mechanics of the site than the content. There are some “features” I’m not fond of, but they aren’t enough to run me off a la Jaqui. (C’mon back, buddy. Load a vm just for browsing.)

      I feel those negatives are outweighed by the value I derive from the content. As you said, Dan, most of the blogs and tech articles are worthwhile. I consider some of the hints and tips to be a bit basic for a site aimed at professionals, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have value to others.

      The moderators are pretty hands-off. WhatMeWorry went on a censorship rant before he was Downloaded to the Porcelain Server, but I think the forums are pretty liberal (in the “unrestricted speech” sense of the term). Sometimes this policy results in new members with undesirable habits, but that isn’t TR fault. They’d go away a lot quicker if we regulars could override our OEM urges to be smart-@sses, but I’m as guilty as the next keyboard jockey.

      And you can’t beat the price 🙂

      • #2602185

        The basics are always a good thing to review though Palmetto

        by danlm ·

        In reply to Most complaints seem to be with design, not content

        Sometimes I don’t see the forest for the tree’s, and a back to basics approach helps.

        And truthfully, I started this thread because I haven’t seen anyone show any support for what they have done right. I thought it was time.


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