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  • #2141095

    what you do in lockdown?

    by milarosestore93 ·


    LockDown is really so bad fo me. Because no work just sit & sleep in home. In These day I have only work is wakeup and goto bath and eat and take sleep. In bath i have spend 1 hour cause i have time and only time. When I take bath use shampoo with conditioner of milarosestore.

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    • #2418749


      by talhaaxhar34 ·

      In reply to what you do in lockdown?

      For me really lockdown was an opportunity and i am really happy that did take it at some extent not fully first 15 to 20 days i wasted all the days by just watching movies or season really doing nothing but after i realize then i start to work at my coding skills as because i am IT student that’s really matters for me so it’s goes great i learn a lot of new thing.
      Thanks and have a nice day.

    • #3939536

      Spending Days in Lockdown

      by mohit dhawan ·

      In reply to what you do in lockdown?

      Talking About me, Lockdown has effected everyone be it a businessman, a service man, or be it a family, but definitely, Lockdown in itself has helped me spent more time with my family, to know them more so thinking positively lockdown days are well spent days for me.

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