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  • #4171022

    What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?


    by Sdreatech ·

    What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?

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    • #4171101
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      Re: pseudo-class

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?

      That might depend on the OO-language you consider. I see they exist at least in Java FX 8 and in CSS.

      Once you know that, try a google search like <language> pseudo-class to find out.

    • #4171240

      They are powerful tools that enhance web pages based on user actions

      by rodniekeith ·

      In reply to What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?

      A pseudo-class in CSS is a keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s) that can’t be targeted using simple selectors. Pseudo-classes allow you to style elements based on their interaction state or position in the document. There are several kinds of pseudo-classes, including but not limited to:

      1. :hover: Selects an element when a user hovers over it.
      2. :active: Selects an element when it is being activated by a user (e.g., clicked on).
      3. :first-child: Selects the first child of its parent element.
      4. :nth-child(n): Selects elements based on their position in a parent element (e.g., every third element).
      5. :not(selector): Selects elements that do not match the given selector.

    • #4187771

      Reply To: What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?

      by SameekshaM ·

      In reply to What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?

      In CSS, a pseudo-class defines the special state of an element.

      It is used to:
      1. Style an element when you hover a mouse over it.
      2. Style visited and unvisited links differently.
      3. Style an element when it gets focused.

      CSS has over 60 pseudo-classes. However, many of them are not supported by some browsers.

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4238069

      What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?

      by cassharper030 ·

      In reply to What’s pseudo-class? How many kinds of pseudo-class?

      A pseudo-class is a keyword added to a CSS selector that targets an element based on its specific state or condition. There are two main types of pseudo-classes:

      1. Basic Pseudo-Classes: These target common states like hover (when the mouse is over an element) or focus (when an element is selected).
      2. Functional Pseudo-Classes: These use arguments to target more specific states, like :nth-child(2) (targets the second child element).

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