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  • #2141553

    Whats the best way to save storage on my mac?

    by ednawelburg ·


    I really regret picking up the 256 gb version of the m1 air, since I’m close to filling up all my cloud storage (google drive & dropbox) and my mac is currently running at 165 gb remaining, does anyone have any idea how I can save more memory?

    I’m a writer, so a lot of the files that are on my computer itself are NDAs, contracts, articles/blogposts, and etc.


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    • #2412865
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      Re: storage

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Whats the best way to save storage on my mac?

      Store less or store it elsewhere, for example:
      – expand the free storage on the cloud with paid storage
      – also use Apple’s iCloud
      – use an external hard disk as archive

      Replace the 256 GB SSD by a 512 GB (or 1 TB, if offered by Apple).

      Critically go through all your folders to see what can be deleted (including duplicate files). See if putting files in a zip-file compresses them.
      However, if time is money for you, all the work involved is more expensive than adding resources.

      Just as a side note: do you have a good backup system for the files stored on the Mac? I assume you don’t want to lose them if something happens.

    • #2412860
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      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Whats the best way to save storage on my mac?

      You could always get an external hard disk for storage. They are fairly cheap and easy to install/use. You can always delete unused files/pictures/music files when space runs low.

    • #2412858
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      Along with the fine answers, I’ll add this.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Whats the best way to save storage on my mac?

      How about a NAS? Read

      But with 165 GB remaining free to use it sounds like you have a lot of time till you run out.

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