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  • #2142065

    What’s the best way to set up a network on a farm !

    by herbert7 ·


    Hi – well after slogging my out for years in application service operations- I’m going out to pasture – moving with my parents, sister and my lot into a farm with 2 separate buildings, separate static caravan and in the future I might set up a few holiday let’s where there are outbuildings now.

    I’m thinking we could just set up separate ADSL lines -pay separate bills etc

    Although would it be a good idea to pool our monthly bills and get one high speed connection and some who build a LAN ?

    I might want to do a bit of camping as well – I get the basics around networks but what do you think the best typology for this would be ….?…

    Cheers guys networks has always been a bit of a dark art for me 🙂

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    • #2417530
      Avatar photo

      How far ???

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to What’s the best way to set up a network on a farm !

      ….. are the 2 different locations apart. If too far apart, you would need separate connections/lines.

    • #2417528

      Re: network

      by keesb2 ·

      In reply to What’s the best way to set up a network on a farm !

      Find a professional installer to install the WiFi for the buildings and the camping, together with a payment and login system with vouchers.

      • #2417522
        Avatar photo

        Huh ??

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Re: network

        It didn’t sound like the OP wanted to setup a campground. My impression is that the OP will be moving to a farm that he, his sister and his parents will be living in different homes and he may do some camping on the property from time to time. I believe he was asking about sharing the same data network or getting separate networks.

        • #2417497

          More info

          by herbert7 ·

          In reply to Huh ??

          That’s right guys – I should have given more detail – thanks for your suggestions

          Right – it’s a large plot about 20 acres – there’s a

          main farm house up a private lane where my oldies and sister will be and

          I will be living in a place about 20 meters away with the kids – I can run wires between the two no problems

          There’s a static caravan about 20 meters away from both buildings I could run cables too

          Then there’s a possible small field I could use for camping next to the farm house

          Basically as a family we’ve all sold up and pooled the money to buy a farm so I can look after my oldies etc – I wish I could escape the tech life completely but it’s everyone else lol,

          I was thinking drive the biggest connection into the farm house and then run Ethernet cables between places – like a LAN with a couple of wireless points – I’m just trying to work out what kind of network to set up – if I had the cash I would get someone in to set up the whole deal but were on a shoestring and it’s all about self sufficiency

          Cheers chaps !

        • #2417493

          Working it out

          by herbert7 ·

          In reply to More info

          Well done my own investigation so…

          Need fast internet connection coming into one building

          One building router with Wi-fi access point (my parents are fine just with Wi-fi )

          Then run a cable into the next building where my kids have desktops – could install a patch panel and Ethernet cables to each room and Wi-fi access point (can connect this to switch 0r do I run this Wi-fi cable back to router emm)

          The two other places I can run Ethernet cable to switch or additional Wi-fi cables from router

          It’s basic but starting to make sense – could install a local server even I suppose and set up shared area

          I’m actually quite enjoying this – can’t wait to actually do it

    • #2417488

      network on farm

      by asappyk ·

      In reply to What’s the best way to set up a network on a farm !

      Hi, I had a similar problem with the Internet a year ago, I live in the South of Siberia and my parents have a farm where I often go but there is no wired Internet, but there is mobile internet, and I found dudes who make modems with several sim cards that can replace wired Internet, their company is called sistematix, if necessary. But before you use it, you will have to tinker a little with the hardware since there is no software, but in principle you can install ubuntu for yourself and write a simple utility for the modem, I think there will be no big problems with writing the program.

    • #2417475

      yes, you can

      by cbsmith2 ·

      In reply to What’s the best way to set up a network on a farm !

      There are several ways to solve this. What you have laid out below in the thread will work. you should also look into a mesh system -which may be the easiest. but also take a look at a Ubiquiti Unifi system – lots of options to set up a fully managed system that will grow to all your needs. FYI – they are catching a lot of heat right now for some very questionable marketing decisions – namely requiring a cloud account and internet access to even set up a system (some folks are very upset with them. but there aren’t many competitors at their price points). There is a bit of a learning curve getting things set up. but its pretty rock solid once set up. Check out youtube for many videos on set up and configurations. also many youtubers doing “home tours” of their network set up.

      good luck

      • #2417464

        Yep I’ve seen that

        by herbert7 ·

        In reply to yes, you can

        Well I’m further investigation I’ve also found that the standard broadband is quite low and they are due an upgrade to fibre but with COVID no timescales.

        Ubiquity was the one I came across – offering good Wi-fi expansion and mobile data feeds between buildings also satalight broadband

        Well I’ve learnt a lot lol – many thanks all I going to take a look at ubiquity



      • #2413819

        Ubiquity Cloud Controller

        by 1bn0 ·

        In reply to yes, you can

        Ubiquity offers a “Cloud Controller Key” which is basically a small web interface app device you connect to your switch locally.

        No need for a “Cloud Account” and no need to install a local controller on a computing device that may be replaced in a few years.

        Grandsdtream makes similar products but Grandstream integrates the controller into the Access Points.

        You designate one as the master and then simply join the others to the master and assign the SSID configurations to desired devices.

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