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  • #4282793

    What’s your favorite feature on Lock Screen Android devices?

    by prajaktagawande1698 ·

    I was just thinking about all the cool features on Android lock screens, like notifications or quick access to apps. But does any of this stuff create privacy problems? Like could someone see too much info without unlocking your phone? Just wondering if there’s any legal advice around this.”
    This would better fit a legal advice community. Let me know if you’d like help tweaking it further!

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    • #4282850
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      For me, stock is fine.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to What’s your favorite feature on Lock Screen Android devices?

      I use the phone in its stock form from Google. It’s a Pixel and what it does if fine and good enough for me.

      As to legal, that’s for you and your lawyer or legal team. My advice is to steer clear of ANY data harvesting because apps get found out and the word spreads or the app and its website gets banned.

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