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  • #2073888

    Where do I start to look for a job and w


    by vaut28 ·

    Just finished school and I am an A+ certified technician, MCP, MCP+I, MCSE. Also have courses in novell just never wrote the certs yet will be doing so during the summer any information would be appreciated.

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    • #3779067

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by mckaytech ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      Starting pay varies widely by region so without knowing where you are, it would be difficult to say but the salary survey on will be out soon and there are other published sources on the Web.

      When I first got started as a relatively inexperienced MCSE, the usual point of entry was either help desk or field service technician. My experience with employment agencies was almost uniformly bad and I found I got the best reception from small technical service companies. So, if I had to do it over again, that is where I would start.

      Best wishes to you!


    • #3779062

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by rej ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      I would suggest seeking a position where you obtain much real world experience. There is no better place to hone the skills already acquired in the classroom and begin to hone your savvy with people as well. Anywhere you can get as an entry level network support
      tech. or as a helpdesk tech. would be a great place to start. Check, etc. or even your local newspaper.

      Best Regards,


    • #3783181

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by elaine d. ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      It’s easy to take a look out there and see what jobs are paying for people with your skills set. I find that is an excellent resource ( is pretty good too) for tech jobs.

      Post your resume and scan through the jobs every couple of days… sometimes it takes a bit of figuring to find the “title” that best fits what you can do, but you’ll find it… there’s a lot out there in your field!

      Good luck,

    • #3783025

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by ghejr ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      If you’re close to Columbia, SC email me — I could use somebody like you. If you’re not I would say try to find a shop where you can work in the system engineering field. Different companies will call this different things. We call it Technical Services. Try to find a shop where they have a WAN, Cisco gear and some internet initiatives underway. Also be sure they’ll give you plenty of educational support. Fresh out of school with those certs I would say you could expect 40-60K, depending on location. For now I would focus on getting the experience rather than the pay. . .I think that will work out best in the long run. Good luck.

    • #3784399

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by calves ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      Since you’re MCSE, take advantage of the MCP Magazine’s salary survey.
      As too where to start looking, you can come to my Site at – jobs and find nearly 100 links to places where you can post your resume, contact headhunters or simply search for your new employer.

      Good Luck!

    • #3784357

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by ktb ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      I would recomend that you be willing to start with a Support tech Job since without experence you really can’t expect a company to pay you for your MCSE since its experence that they want. You might be suprized at just how much you don’t know if all your knowledge was acuired in a classroom.

    • #3783836

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by leon jackson ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      This would all depend on how much OTJ experience you have. I have had many “papered” people come to work with me and the extra workload of training in addition to constant following up after them hasn’t made them worth the commonly posted salaries for the certs you specified. You didn’t state if you were just out of HS or college. In anycase Be Prepared to start low as help desk or level 1 support till you build experience enough to back those hard won certifications.

    • #3784265

      Where do I start to look for a job and w

      by pctech1 ·

      In reply to Where do I start to look for a job and w

      You should start by looking for contracting company’s and see who offers you the most experience wise and salary $$ wise. As an entry level certified technician don’t expect too much, you will have to get hands on experience before you can actuallystart making money. I would recommend Entex, CompuCom, I think its the same company, also try TeK Systems and maybe EDI.. these just some to come to mind… Good LucK!

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