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  • #4261432

    Which browser is better, Google or Microsoft Edge?

    by hopkieb27 ·

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    I was downloading apps on my computer and I was wondering which browser I should make the primary browser on my computer. Google or Microsoft? Which one has the most features and is easily accessible? Also, which one uses the least amount of RAM?

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    • #4261600
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      Reply To: Which browser is better, Google or Microsoft Edge?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Which browser is better, Google or Microsoft Edge?

      There is no single answer that fits all. Your best bet is to try a different browser to determine what best suits your needs. While I might like one you may prefer a different one. Essentially, they accomplish the same thing, just in a slightly different way.

      Reminder to all, leave out all internet links and only offer product names if you reply to this thread.

    • #4262199

      Google or MS EDGE..?

      by pcxpress ·

      In reply to Which browser is better, Google or Microsoft Edge?

      Personally I’m attached to Google Chrome.

      Nowadays I suggest at least 16 Gb of RAM in the system.

    • #4262553

      Reply To: Which browser is better, Google or Microsoft Edge?

      by kellydoyle240 ·

      In reply to Which browser is better, Google or Microsoft Edge?

      Both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge have their strengths. Chrome is known for its extensive range of extensions and seamless integration with Google services, but it can be heavy on RAM. Edge, on the other hand, offers strong performance, better RAM efficiency, and features like built-in Microsoft tools and privacy options. If you’re looking for a browser that’s lighter on resources, Edge might be the better choice. For a broad range of features and extensions, Chrome excels. It often comes down to your priorities—features and extensions vs. performance and efficiency.

      • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
      • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4262960

      Microsoft Surprised me…

      by alkdave ·

      In reply to Which browser is better, Google or Microsoft Edge?

      I decided to give a try after using Chrome forever, with low anticipation I was surprised positively.
      No memory bloating (most of the times)
      All Extensions used before work fine hence no learning curve.
      Copilot is good but Gemini sometimes is better on subjects I asked for.
      Generally comfy and I stayed on EDGE.

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