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  • #2141366

    Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

    by palitjiya221 ·

    Hello friends, I have been using Chrome for several years but recently it has been freezing a lot. It is likely because I use a low-end PC with the following specs: 4GB RAM, Core 2 Duo, and still running Windows 7. I want to move over to a low memory-consuming browser but I don’t know which one to use. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good low memory-consuming browser? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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    • #2414126
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      Huh ?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      What is a “Potato PC” ?

    • #2414122
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      Re: browser

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      Having 4GB of RAM and an older CPU might cause a browser to be slow, but freezing usually is caused by hardware or OS issues.

      However, feel free to try any of .

      If you don’t have much free disk space, be sure that all your installing and uninstalling to find the best one doens’t fill up the system restore area. A full hard disk surely will result in problems.

    • #2414121
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      Our potato was stolen.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      It was mom’s bill paying laptop. It was a 2006 Dell Inspiron e1505 with a 32 bit Centrino, WiFi, 1GB RAM and 120GB SSD.

      It ran Chrome just fine and booted from cold in about 35 seconds to getting a web page on screen. I see I forgot to mention it ran Windows 10.

      Sadly it was stolen so so a less potato – e laptop was found.

    • #2414111

      Chrome is most likely the best

      by the master2 ·

      In reply to Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      But your real problem isn’t the hardware it’s the way it is being maintained.

      How often do you Defrag the Hard Drive?

      How long as 7 Been instaleld on this system without a reload?

      Those 2 things single handly will cause an otherwise stable system to slow down tot he stage it becomes unusable and bogs down with Unresponsive Applications for ages.

      Any Windows Installation to be at it’s best should be reloaded avery couple of years as just running Windows messes up the File System and causes lots of disjointed files and so on on the Hard Drive.

      As for the listed hardware it’s perfectly fins I’m using a similar setup here and now but running 10 and it’s working fine. Granted it was a High End Desktop when new and ran XP as well as a few Linux Distros but till I get around to fitting more RAM it will be stuck with 4 Gig on a Core 2 Duo running at 3 Gig and a low end 128 Meg Video Card provided I do not hit it with High End Video Editing it’s perfectly fine and by no means slow but I run Defrag in the background most of the time and reload the OS every 18 months to keep the system working at it’s peek.

    • #2414100

      Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      by palitjiya221 ·

      In reply to Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      I searched online and found an article that suggests some browsers ( Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera). I thought edge is a safe and fast browser. And after installing the edge browser, my computer runs fast than before.

      [i]Promotional link removed by moderator.[/i]

    • #2413990

      Potato PC

      by jenniemiller ·

      In reply to Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      Opera, UR Browser, K-Meleon, Midori, Pale Moon, or Maxthon are some of the best browsers that you can install on any Potato PC. They don’t require a huge amount of computer resources to run properly. This is a major advantage when talking about old computers.

    • #2413010

      Best Browser

      by old molases ·

      In reply to Which Browser Will Perform Best For Any Potato PC?

      I dont think so anything can replace Chrome. If your chrome is acting up make sure its closed in the backend. There is an option that allows you to stop chrome from running at the backend so that it does not eat up your memory. Do that and I hope it works out for you!!

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