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  • #2140585

    Which laptop is best?

    by alvingraves123 ·


    Hello everyone,
    I want to buy a laptop so that I can do my technical work. Besides, I also play online games, so I want to buy a device with a little strong configuration. So which laptop should I buy to best meet my needs? Hope people give me advice.
    Thanks everyone.

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    • #2412958
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      Re: laptop

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Which laptop is best?

      What technical work? And what online games? Might make a difference.
      Why a laptop and not a desktop?

    • #2412951
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      Hard to offer help until….

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Which laptop is best?

      ….you provide more detail on you needs. What is your budget ? MS Windows, Chromebook, Apple ? What is your budget ? Integrated graphics ? How much Hard disk capacity ?

    • #2412947
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      More is needed about budget, use and personal preferences.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Which laptop is best?

      But hey, as I read more at I see folk do game on Chromebooks.

      There’s also folk that run virtual machines and a whole lot more.

      Even so my favorite today would be the usual Core i7 with the RTX 3060 or better with the usual complement of all SSD for storage, 16GB RAM, USB 3.0 and now, WiFi 6.

    • #2412938

      best laptop

      by jimoravidar ·

      In reply to Which laptop is best?

      Razer Blade 15 is the best gaming laptop but it will cost you around $1200. It will fulfill all you needs be it technical or gaming.

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