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  • #2083863

    Which services are listening on my open


    by pete_may ·

    I work on a small (50ish users) NT4 network and I am trying to gain some understanding of security issues. I recently got hold of a copy of SuperScan to help moniter the network. It can tell me which ports are open on which machine but how do I findout which service or program is listening on this port. And how do I close the port if it is unneccessary.
    I use netstat but only to see if a machine such as the mail server has an excessive number open connections.

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    • #3779809

      Which services are listening on my open

      by rrowe99 ·

      In reply to Which services are listening on my open

      I would look over RFC 1060.
      Its got all the port and what they do.
      exa: 137=NS NETBIOS Name Service.
      To close off ports, try the firewall
      programs out there. Nortons internet security
      and the like.

      • #3779765

        Which services are listening on my open

        by pete_may ·

        In reply to Which services are listening on my open

        Thanks for the rfc refernce but SuperScanner already tells me the program officially accotiated with a port but some programs assign dynamically and our web server is listening on 1027 officially ICQ but no ICQ. I want to find offending program and shut port there
        Thanks anyway
        Peter 🙂

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