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  • #2143587

    Which settings was configured when installing application

    by kennynguyen ·


    Dear all,

    I would like to know how we could determine which settings was configured when installing an Android application.
    For example, when I installed an application, it will ask about language and country when running that app first time.
    After that, I uninstalled that app, clear cache and all the folder relating to it and try to install it again, it didn’t ask about the language and country anymore.
    I did the test (restore and erase all data of my mobile) and install again, it will ask about country and language for that app.
    So I assume that it configured something somewhere.
    I would like to know how I could track it.

    Thank you very much,

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    • #2421901


      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Which settings was configured when installing application

      Before beginning installation, you need to know your application license key. The key was provided with the installation CD.
      Installation Steps
      Follow these general installation and configuration steps, located in this appendix and other chapters:
      o Step 1: Install and configure the application server software
      o Step 2: Install the Identity Install Pack software
      o Step 3: Configure the Identity Install Pack index database connection
      o Step 4: Install the Sun Identity Manager Gateway (optional)
      • The procedures in this section begin with Step 2, Install the Application Software.
      • Step 2: Install the Application Software
      • Follow these procedures to install the software.
      • On Windows
      • Enter the following series of commands:
      • set JAVA_HOME=Path to JDK
      cd ApplicationDeploymentDirectory
      • where ApplicationDeploymentDirectory is the directory where your application server is deployed. For example, for a Tomcat installation, change directory to c:\tomcat-3.2.3\webapps.
      • mkdir idm (or any other directory name)
      cd idm
      set WSHOME=ApplicationDeploymentDirectory\idm
      jar –xvf %CDPATH%\idm.war
      • ON UNIX
      • Enter the following series of commands:
      • PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
      cd $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
      cd ApplicationDeploymentDirectory
      • where ApplicationDeploymentDirectory is the directory where your application server is deployed. For example, for a Tomcat installation, change directory to c:\tomcat-3.2.3\webapps.
      • mkdir idm (or any other directory name)
      cd idm
      WSHOME=ApplicationDeploymentDirectory/idm;export WSHOME
      • jar –xvf /cdrom/cdrom0/idm.war
      Before You Continue
      If you plan to use an index database, you may need to copy one or more files to the idm\WEB-INF\lib directory. For example, you may need to place into idm/WEB-INF/lib a JAR file containing a JDBC driver (for a DriverManager connection) or a JAR file containing a JNDI InitialContextFactory (for a DataSource connection). When finished, continue with Step 3.
      Step 3: Configure the Identity Install Pack Index Database Connection
      The ServerRepository.xml file is an encrypted file that defines how to connect to the index repository. Use one of the following procedures to configure the repository XML file.
      Windows or Xwindows (UNIX) Environments
      If you are running on Windows or in an Xwindows-capable environment:
      1. Enter one of the following commands to launch the setup interface.
      On Windows
      cd %WSHOME%\bin
      lh setup
      On UNIX
      cd $WSHOME/bin
      lh setup
      The installer displays the Locate the Repository panel.

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