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  • #2143196

    Why are my questions not uploading?

    by technologyfemale ·


    My question aren’t uploading. I’m getting told this is not the URL I am looking for. I’ve tried not categorizing this as a question.

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  • Author
    • #2419387

      Make authoruty

      by ankitsingh213506 ·

      In reply to Why are my questions not uploading?

      Maybe you are adding links to the questions. You have to increase authority then after you will get the chance to upload questions with a link.

    • #2419367

      Similar Issue

      by rajatrajput2816 ·

      In reply to Why are my questions not uploading?

      I am also unable to create a thread. After filling up everything, getting an error saying you need to fill the form. I mean have already completed it but I don’t know why I am no able to create one. Also, I am not adding any link to it.

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