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  • #2143368

    Why cant i get my computers bandwidth higher?

    by viktorvaughn ·


    So, i have a Gigabit Internet Service from Spectrum. a Nighthawk AX8 Wifi 6 router. my nighthawk app on my phone shows when i speedtest the router that i get around 900mbps. i run a cat 7 cable 50 feet to my computer. my computer i built myself. it has a Asus Z170 Pro Gaming/Aura motherboard with Intel Gigabit Ethernet . despite knowing that the router has almost a gigabit per second.. i cant get my PC to speed test higher than 300 MBPS. WHY? i have tried every tweak on fancy networking websites for changing windows 10 settings. what am i missing?

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    • #2422425

      So what speed is whatever downloading at?

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Why cant i get my computers bandwidth higher?

      The speed test on the router is what it is capable of not what it is downloading any particular site so what you have to look at here is what speed do the sites you are accessing downloading at.

    • #2422375

      Speeds are theoretical and not real world

      by itpro19 ·

      In reply to Why cant i get my computers bandwidth higher?

      I could be wrong here but my understanding is that the speeds provided by ISPs, routers, network adapters, are all theoretical or “up to” speeds. Not that you’ll actually get those speeds in a real world environment.

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