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  • #4279797

    Why do numbers, letters, and symbols make a strong Password.

    by trsipes ·

    I’ve never understood why people make there password something that’s 15-20 characters and completely unrecognizable.

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    • #4279823
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      Reply To: Why do numbers, letters, and symbols make a strong Password.

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Why do numbers, letters, and symbols make a strong Password.

      To make it more difficult to guess or crack it. Too many passwords are 123456 or welcome123.

    • #4282145

      Reply To: Why do numbers, letters, and symbols make a strong Password.

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Why do numbers, letters, and symbols make a strong Password.

      Just makes it more difficult to crack and while Pass Phrases are more likely to be remembered and remain unbroken some people find them difficult.

      Of course the down side is with Quantum Computing making great leaps forward a 3,000 digit password with Letters being case sensitive, number and symbols or even bio metric can be cracked in under a few seconds so sticking to what an idiot would use on teir luggage may not be such a bad idea.

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