Why does my client lose internet when the proxy server connects to a VPN?
I setup “Squid” on my Raspberry Pi 4 to use it as a proxy server.
My laptop(Win10) is able to the browse via proxy once I specify the appropriate port.The 2 devices are connected via ethernet cable.
I run into problems when I connect my Pi 4(Proxy server) to the internet via VPN tunnel.My goal is to have my raspberry connect to the web via VPN, and use it as a proxy server for my laptop (Win10).
The Windows machine can successfully browse the internet using the Pi 4 as a proxy server, but loses connection once I connect the proxy to my VPN service.
The VPN is not the issue as I am able to web browse from the pi directly.The problem is that my laptop is unable to browse the web once I start the VPN service on my Pi 4.
any and all help is sincerely appreciated.