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  • #2140497

    Why I save doc documents in LibreOffice, and they don’t properly save?

    by Anonymous ·


    I have a Dell laptop. I don’t have Microsoft Office, but I have download LibreOffice. It is a nightmare to save documents that won’t be save as a Microsoft Office, so every time I open the doc I am aske to open Microsoft acc. and get the program or else the document needs to be recover… How can I save the document in my Documents like in the old good days…?
    Many thanks

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    • #2414995
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      Re: Libre Office

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Why I save doc documents in LibreOffice, and they don’t properly save?

      Three solutions:
      1. Save the document as an .odt file, not as a .doc or .docx file.
      2. Set LibreOffice Writer as the default program to open a .doc and .docx file.
      3. Open a .doc or .docx file with File>Open in Writer, not with a double click in File Explorer.

      Don’t forget to configure File Explorer to NOT hide file extensions!

    • #2414994
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      I use LibreOffice exclusively at home.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Why I save doc documents in LibreOffice, and they don’t properly save?

      I save as LibreOffice files and have no issues.

      But if you want to open Microsoft Office documents with LibreOffice by default you have to change the setting in Windows.

      From the web:
      “Go to Settings > in the search window Find a setting type default apps > will show a panel on the right with a list Choose default apps > scroll down and click on Choose default apps by file type > will show file types in alphabetical order > scroll down until you get to the file type for which you want LibreOffice to be the default app,

      eg docx may show word by default > click, will show a menu where the LibreOffice Writer option should appear > choose LibreOffice Writer as default app to open eg your docx files. Works for many other filetypes that can be handled by LibreOffice applications.”

      I only save as docx when I need to send it out to others. If you work exclusively with others that only have Office then it’s easier to go buy Office.

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