Reply To: Why is my AdSense not being approved by Google?
about 1 year, 3 months ago
In reply to Why is my AdSense not being approved by Google?
You’ve got a strange name for your site. Your logo says “aspects” (which is correct English) and the url says “aspetcs” (which is different). But I don’t know if that’s the reason.
Anyway, (or the equivalent for your country) mentions three steps (make a google account, put your bank account data in, and add some javascript to your html-code). Nothing about criteria for the site and nothing about approval or rejection. So I’m afraid that only Google can answer the “why”.
Given what you tell in your post (“it is rejected”) nobody here can tell if you do something wrong in one of the three steps or if it has to do with the content of your site. What message exactly do you get and in which of the three steps? Did you mention your site in that step?
This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by kees_b.
This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by kees_b.