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  • #2141024

    why is my computer is so slow windows 10

    by nocalom366 ·


    Hello there,
    I bought a new computer for my company 6 months ago and its operates and open so slow and even some time gets hang .
    please any advice

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    • #2419862
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      Re: slow

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to why is my computer is so slow windows 10

      Your company’s IT staff should be able to
      (a) answer your question
      (b) discuss with you the options to make it faster
      (c) implement the options you choose
      Contact them.

    • #2419741

      why is my computer is so slow windows 10

      by rahulp411 ·

      In reply to why is my computer is so slow windows 10

      One reason your Windows 10 PC may feel sluggish is that you’ve got too many programs running in the background programs that you rarely or never use. Stop them from running, and your PC will run more smoothly.You’ll see a list of the programs and services that launch when you start Windows.

      • #2419740
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        Re: list

        by kees_b ·

        In reply to why is my computer is so slow windows 10

        It would have been nice if you had told how to see that list (or are it 2 lists?) and how to remove programs and services from it. As it is, your post is quite useless.

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