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  • #2144780

    why my PC frequently freezing when gaming?

    by paulobrende647 ·


    idk when the exact time it start and idk what the exact cause

    it freeze then stop freezing and then freeze again and so on some time it ended up BSoD, even at some point it suddenly get BSoD “memory management” without freezing

    the only thing that freeze is the game i still can use google/explorer/task manager etc

    i changed the RAM but it dont fix it,

    reisntall windows also wont fix it

    im about to reinstall the game but then realize the game i just install also freeze randomly, so im sure i dont have to

    probably compatibility? pretty sure it’s not it, i own this PC from 2016 and it only start on 2019 but i keep ignoring it until it get worse

    make more free space? nah, i have like 460GB free space on my game partition and 60GB from 130 GB on windows partition

    HDD problem? nope, the i checked the status with HDD sentinel it’s 100% 100% and can boot in ±10 sec

    temp? pretty sure it always below 70° C

    i have the latest GPU driver

    idk what cause it, my main suspect for the caise is the computer process too much data and eventually make it freeze but, i get like 120 FPS on the game,

    when it freeze the disk when 100% on task manager but the R/W is no more than 2 MB/s, im planning to get SSD when i have the money and kinda sure it would fix it since what make it freeze is probably the disk usage

    spec : i3 3240, gt 1030, 2x4GB ram, 2TB seagate HDD

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    • #2423449

      You’ll need to help us a bit more here

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to why my PC frequently freezing when gaming?

      The OS in use and is it fully patched and the name of the game in question is a absolute minimum.

      Just from what you have posted what is the RAM Usage at the time it falls over? Also the size of the Swap File is important

      Also is this a NB or a Desktop and does this still happen if you knock down the Frame Rates or game performance?

      Just the application falling over while the computer remains usable is different so you’ll have to dig a lot deeper than just the basics here.

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