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  • #2081725

    Why not use Foxpro


    by mickeyd ·

    Can anyone tell me why more developers don’t use Microsoft Visual Foxpro for Web Development? Thanks

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    • #3896364

      Why not use Foxpro

      by whatme? ·

      In reply to Why not use Foxpro

      I guess it depends on the developers thoughts. “Visual FoxPro is a powerful RAD tool for creating relational database applications. If you are a “database developer” who builds applications for a living and you want ultimate speed and power, then choose Visual FoxPro” quote from Microsoft. Different developers might be trying different trains of thought. I myself have several school sites and am not databased.

      • #3734835

        Why not use Foxpro

        by mickeyd ·

        In reply to Why not use Foxpro

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3896177

      Why not use Foxpro

      by jon.riggs ·

      In reply to Why not use Foxpro

      Visual Foxpro is a combination database/development tool, essentially a 4GL. If you want to develop a robust database, you probably want to use SQL Server or Oracle. If you want to develop a robust application, you probably want to use VB, C++, InterDev or any of the other development environments. It therefore makes little sense to be locked into a combined database/4GL tool when it’s just as easy to use seperate database and development tools.

      • #3734836

        Why not use Foxpro

        by mickeyd ·

        In reply to Why not use Foxpro

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3898739

      Why not use Foxpro

      by servantez ·

      In reply to Why not use Foxpro

      You can use VFP for web development, it is very fast, much faster than several other products out there. The problem is you must have several VFP files loaded on the client and the VFP app must be downloaded before any of this can happen (and thereis not easy way to distribute the VFP files ,dll’s etc). What we have done here, is we have a VFP for data entry (because of it’s speed and robust) and use Interdev to attach to the database via the Web.

      • #3734837

        Why not use Foxpro

        by mickeyd ·

        In reply to Why not use Foxpro

        The question was auto-closed by TechRepublic

    • #3734834

      Why not use Foxpro

      by mickeyd ·

      In reply to Why not use Foxpro

      This question was auto closed due to inactivity

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