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    Why pc shut down after a few hours of use

    by Chandlertian ·


    Last week, my PC has been acting up. I can turn it on without any issues and use it for about 2 to 3 hours. However, after that, it suddenly shuts down. Then I try to restart it, it won’t turn on again. But if I give it a 20 to 30 minute break, it boots up fine and works properly. But it shuts down again after a few hours. I’ve tried everything – updating drivers, reapplying thermal paste, cleaning the PC, checking the temperature, and even resetting the PC. At this point, I’m assuming it’s a hardware issue, possibly with the motherboard or the psu, but I’m not certain. Is anyone have ideas?

    PC Info:
    CPU – AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core processor
    Motherboard – MSI B450 gaming plus (MS- 7B87)
    Ram – HyperX fury 8gb ddr4
    HDD – WD 1 TB HDD
    PSU – Corsair 450W PSU
    GPU – Radeon RX 560

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