Why so many blocked connections in McAfee security history?
This morning I found myself looking through McAfee’s “security history”, and noticed a large number of “Suspicious incoming connection blocked” messages (e.g., several dozen in the past hour!). McAfee says not to worry about them, they just show how well McAfee is doing its job.
What I don’t understand is, why are these connections even getting as far as my PC? They seem to be just random ports from random hackers poking around. I thought my Bell Home Modem 3000 had a firewall.
I looked in the Port Forwarding section of the modem config, and I can open specific ports for incoming or outgoing traffic. Right now the list is empty, and I can’t find anything to say which ports are blocked or allowed by default. Until now I just assumed that somebody smarter than me had set this up and I didn’t need to worry about it.
What am I misunderstanding here? Don’t ISPs normally have proper firewalls built into their modems? How can I see what they are blocking?
Another worrisome observation was that several of the blocked connections originated from known devices, including my own. One was an ancient iPod that no longer gets software updates, so I guess I better stop using that. But I saw other IPs: my wife’s computer (should be properly patched but I’ll check), the Fibe receiver for my TV, even the default gateway and Bell’s DNS. What’s up with all that?
P.S.: Sorry, newbie here. Moderators, if this post would be better in the Security section, please move it there.