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  • #4007548

    Why won’t my Windows activate?

    by getfontfree ·

    Why my window is not going to be active? please someone can help me?
    I’m facing following issues
    #1. Stop too much data usage in the background.
    #2. Minimize notifications.
    #3. Access Safe mode.
    #4. Disable Delivery Optimization.
    #5. Hide the search bar.
    #6. Disable background apps.
    thank you

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    • #4007553
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      Re: activate Windows

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Why won’t my Windows activate?

      It’s unclear why Windows won’t activate. If you have a valid license, contact Microsoft. Their help with activation problems is free. They can help. We can’t.
      And, just in case it applies: You can’t activate Windows XP anymore.

      It’s unclear what you mean with “be active”.

      It’s unclear what issues you have exactly, since you don’t tell how you try to do those 6 things and what happens. But it might be related to not having an activated version of Windows, so that is the first thing to solve.

      • #4007574
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        Reply To: Why won’t my Windows activate?

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to Re: activate Windows

        In addition to what kees_b mentioned, the OP never stated which version of MS Windows they are trying to activate which makes getting help more difficult. What specific errors are occurring?

    • #4007572
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Why won’t my Windows activate?

      We’ve seen thousands of PCs with the hard drive utilization in Task Manager pegged at 100%. In 99.99% of the cases it’s a failing HDD.

      Sadly folk spend weeks and months trying to fix it with tweaks, clean installs, minimizing services, disabling this or that. That’s not the fix.

      The fix is always (99.99% is always) a good drive or better yet, change the drive out for a SSD.

      Remember there are those that will say it’s this or that but reality here at the shop is: When you see this, get the client ready to replace that drive.

      • #4007575
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        Reply To: Why won’t my Windows activate?

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to The NUMBER ONE 100% HARD DRIVE UTILITIZATION problem?

        rproffitt speaks the truth. Fortunately, despite a potential loss of unbacked up data, replacing the HDD with an SDD is relatively inexpensive and the benefits are remarkable.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.
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