Wifi Constantly Disconnects, Will Mesh Network Help?
We have an ADSL modem/router combo through our isp, and our devices always disconnect from it. My laptop will be connected but my smart tv won’t work, or my playstation will be connected but none of our alexa devices will work. At least 3 times a day we have to reset it and after about 10 minutes everything will work for a while, but eventually things will start disconnecting again. We contacted our isp about the issue and we paid for a brand new modem/router, and the exact same thing is still happening. So I was doing some research and I came across mesh network systems. From my understanding, I would have to change my modem/router to “bridge” mode to make it basically just a modem, and then I connect the mesh network. Am I right about that? Does anyone have suggestions on what may be the overall issue? Would a mesh network be a good option?