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  • #2143133

    Wifi Router

    by karinatechnical123 ·

    If I want to replace my Binatone WR3005N3 router with a D-like N300 router, how am I supposed to do it? Should I just remove the cables from the old router and connect them to the new router? Or any configuration is required to be done to make my Wifi work from the new router.

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    • #2418151

      The New Router came with a card

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Wifi Router

      You need to setup the WiFi with the Password/Passphrase that is on the nec Routers Card.

      Otherwise it’s just a straight swap but depending on what your Internet Connection is you may be messed around with connecting to your ISP as if you are using a ISP Supplied Router it will have been already connected to the ISP’s Network and just sync with it but you may have to setup the Username Password and Address for the ISP but that is information that can only come from your ISP.

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