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  • #2140772

    win10 – taskbar / taskband combined app tabbed preview too thick

    by mickrussom ·


    I’m struggling with the taskbar / task band combined app preview tabs being too thick.

    Previously I was able to fit about 37-38-39 preview tabs on the stack in 4k.

    Now I am unable to fit more than 29-30 and have to scroll through that list.

    Does anyone know how to control this height? I am able to have many more stacked tabs on an old Windows 8.1 system with 4k even in “Scale and Layout 200%” mode to make stuff more readable.

    “Use small buttons” taskbar / taskband setting really helped get the extra real estate I need on the taskband/taskbar, but I can’t find anyway to shrink down the spaced between previewed stacked tabs.

    version 20H2 19042.685

    picture of issue:

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