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  • #2074767

    Win2K Pro & pagefile.sys


    by proggernj ·

    On a machine (Dell 266, 128MB RAM) that was upgraded from Win98SE, I’m having a problem with Win2K Pro recognizing the swap file.

    Drives are NTFS. The pagefile.sys file is located in the specified directory, and is also set properly in the registry.

    Upon boot up, the OS states that either there is no swap file configured, or that it’s too small.

    No matter what I try, nothing has worked to alleviate this problem. I’ve tried setting different swap files on different partitions, deletingthe pagefile.sys, and manually editing the location in the registry.

    I’m wondering if it might just be easier to reinstall the OS as a new install and not as an upgrade.

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    • #3768260

      Win2K Pro & pagefile.sys

      by calves ·

      In reply to Win2K Pro & pagefile.sys

      I had the same problem while back. The solution was to fdisk the partition using a Win98 startup disk, set it up for FAT 32 and install the OS from the 4 diskettes set.
      I would not do an upgrade from 98 to Win2K. A fresh setup will pay off in the long run.

      Good luck!

    • #3768259

      Win2K Pro & pagefile.sys

      by ec364 ·

      In reply to Win2K Pro & pagefile.sys

      Install from scratch. I did the same thing when I got a lot of problems after upgrading Windows 98. I literally did nothing to setup my machine with Windows 2000. It detected all my hardware and installed the correct drivers right from the CD.

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