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  • #2140334

    Windows 10 2004 & 20H2 file sharing permission issues

    by zerkerotz ·

    Anyone had experience to this versions of Windows 10 where a non-administrator account can’t share folder/files?

    We have 3 desktop PC with this 2004 & 20H2 version of Win 10 joined to a domain tried to share folder by Advance Sharing method and or by Sharing Wizard but denied saying “An error occurred while trying to share . Access denied. The shared resource was not created at this time.” It can be resolved by adding the domain user account as a member of local “Administrators” group but I don’t like this idea for security and control reason. In the previous version of Win 10 up to version 1909, this sharing issue can be fix by just adding the domain user account as a member of “Power Users” group but this trick doesn’t work now to this new version of Win 10. Also did the folder take ownership method with no success. Still clueless and figuring out until now what are the changes made to this latest Win 10 that denied a standard or non-admin account or Power Users to share file/folder to the network. Anyone who was in the same boat that already resolved this issues? Thanks in advance.

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    • #2413691
      Avatar photo

      Sounds correct.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Windows 10 2004 & 20H2 file sharing permission issues

      Sharing on a domain is non-trivial. You should have a server Admin which will set this up for you.

      • #2413684

        Thanks for the respose

        by zerkerotz ·

        In reply to Sounds correct.

        Can you elaborate more on how does a server Admin set this sharing function to a domain user account? or grant a domain user account a permission to share own folder/file through the network? To add, the folder/file to share is located on the pc local drive and not from any server or file server. Thanks.

        • #2413673
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          Re: file sharing

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Thanks for the respose

          Seems to be a very old issue already:

          The suggestion to use the Public Documents folder for such files looks fine to me. That’s what it’s meant for.

        • #2416502

          doesn’t work

          by zerkerotz ·

          In reply to Re: file sharing

          Thanks for the link.

          Old work around doesn’t work in 2004 up to the latest Win 10 build.Even the Public folders within the user profile cannot be shared. I believe there was a changed in the latest Win 10 that disallow a non-admin account to do the share function.
          Will stick to the 1909 version at the moment until found solution on this.

          Thanks again.

        • #2413670
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          Remember this is a Domain.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Thanks for the respose

          The control on sharing is not given to the common users. This will result in conflict if the users are used to what they can do on non-domain (ie home) computers.

          I see Kees has supplied the usual workaround.

          Maybe a domain isn’t the right network for your company?

        • #2416501

          not a domain issue

          by zerkerotz ·

          In reply to Remember this is a Domain.

          Either joined in the domain or not, sharing function not allow to non-admin account. No issue with 1909 and older win 10 build.


    • #2419866

      Help me

      by binh156 ·

      In reply to Windows 10 2004 & 20H2 file sharing permission issues

      Have you solved the above problem yet? Help me…..

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