
  • Creator
  • #2143936

    Windows 10

    by selitselad ·


    Like Windows XP 1/1/2020 Windows will no longer support Windows 7. When I upgraded from XP to 7. It was an expensive upgrade. When it comes to Microsoft nothing is free. Win 7 has less features And your constantly being advised to buy additional software like game cards ect. So now they want me to upgrade again to Windows 10. So can I expect more of the same ? And how much can I expect to pay this time ?

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    • #2423113

      I’m surprised yoiu need to ask.

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Windows 10

      What version of Windows do you currently have?

      The Windows 10 upgrade has been a Microsoft Update for ages now and should have been downloaded and installed 3 or 4 years ago which takes whatever you had in WIndows 7, 8 to the same version of 10.

      Many of the peoples systems I’ve seen lately think that they have Windows 8 on their systems and when you look at the version of Windows installed it’s the current version of 10. They think that they have 8 or whatever installed because that is what they bought on their computers what is shown on them in the way of stickers but was upgraded with Windows Updates years ago.

      • #2423085

        Windows 10

        by selitselad ·

        In reply to I’m surprised yoiu need to ask.

        I thought I made it clear. I have windows 7, A couple of years ago I was informed that Microsoft would no longer support XP & I needed to upgrade. I tried to upgrade to 10 I was told my computer couldn’t handle 10. I tried to upgrade to 7 on line. Being the shake down artists they are Microsoft informed me my xp software was counterfeit . Since I had my xp installed by a repair shop I couldn’t dispute it. I went to A computer store & purchased Windows 7 . Cost $100.00. I tried to download it. Surprise! You have to have a special software in order to download it.I took the software & computer to a repair shop, They loaded the software & registered it to me.Cost $75.00. And now I’M going through this all over again.I tried to load Google Chrome for my email today.Microsoft blocked me & claimed my windows was counterfeit. Really??????? I paid A hundred dollars for a counterfeit copy of windows 7. Funny they never said that when we registered it. If I have to buy another computer again. It’s going to be an Apple this time. Microsoft is nothing but A shake down artist. Thanks for listening.

        • #2423084

          What you didn’t make clear was you have been told your

          by oh smeg ·

          In reply to Windows 10

          Computer can not run Windows 10. That means a new computer which will come loaded with 10.

          The other alternative is to use some form of Linux which you can get free but it will require a wipe of the HDD and a Load of whatever form of Linux you chose and it doesn’t run Windows Software so I’m assuming that is not an option.

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