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  • #3937845

    Windows 10 Home: L2TP VPN prevent other connections

    by thomashartmann1989 ·

    Hi guys from TechRepublic 🙂

    I have the following issue:
    I have to use a L2TP-VPN connection with a preshared key so that my IP address/location does not get revealed.
    How can I achieve the following 2 functionality with the first one being more important:

    1.) Prevent all non-VPN connection to the internet

    2.) Automatically reconnect to the VPN if the connection is lost

    Thank you very much for your help in advance!

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    • #3939833
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      This varies with the VPN used.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Windows 10 Home: L2TP VPN prevent other connections

      I forget the name of the VPN I use but it does have an option to “only use the VPN” as you asked above. I don’t sell or support VPN offerings and only reply to fill in the void here. That is, some VPNs do as you ask.

    • #3939832
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      And another thing.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Windows 10 Home: L2TP VPN prevent other connections

      This is NOT POSSIBLE under some conditions. For example if you were to use some hotspot at the hotel and such you must connect and validate without the VPN before your VPN kicks in.

      Once in a while someone melts down over this.

      • #3939788

        Blocking with Firewall

        by thomashartmann1989 ·

        In reply to And another thing.

        Thank you for your answer, but I wouldn´t see a reason why it shouldn´t be possible to block the non-VPN-connection with Windows Firewall?

        I just don´t know how to do that exactly unfortunately

        • #3939786
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          Keeping it short.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Blocking with Firewall

          If you did block such, you would block the sign-in required by the hotel hotspot. But hey, you succeeded!

          As to the company question above, that’s for your IT to answer. I have no way to tell what they use or how they configured.

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