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  • #2141816

    Windows 10 suspicious registry entry : windoss

    by mordecaiturnip ·


    Poking around in the Windows 10 registry I found:
    containing HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windoss\CurrentVersion with a single entry Name = Default, Type = REG_SZ and Data = (value not set).
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windoss\CurrentVersion\SearchSettings with two entries
    first is Name = Default, Type = REG_SZ and Data = (value not set).,

    second is Name = SafeSearchMode, Type = REG_DWORD, Data = 0x00000001 (1).

    Anyone have any idea what this is – it looks like a classic trying to hide with a name that won’t be noticed (windoss -vs- windows). Did a google search for windoss and everything is redirected to windows so I haven’t come across anything so far.

    Yes and I am a noob FYI lol

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