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    Windows 10 user profile among network PCs

    by webuxer ·



    I was wondering if there’s a way to configure multiple computers faster. Normally when there’s a new user in the company I need to configure at least 5 computers for that user. I normally log into the PC and configure the user’s email account (Microsoft Outlook – Exchange) and arrange the computer icons. I also map a few network folders. I do this via a Netlogon script. But was wondering if I can configure 1 pc and sync the same settings on other computers. So no matter the computer the user logs on, his/her settings will be that same. What do you recommend?

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      Re: user profiles

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Windows 10 user profile among network PCs

      Surely this can be done via a domain server/controller.
      Then basic settings are duplicated from the AD (active directory) into any PC where the user logs in. Very common in companies.

      It could well be that using a Microsoft account to login syncs a lot also if you login to a new PC, although it’s meant for private accounts.

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