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    Windows 11 cant match with my second monitor.why?

    by beckahmaria ·



    i have a laptop with a monitor and connect it with in the win settings the second monitor is detected but i cant see anything in the monitor.i do win+p but the picture is not changed.its black.
    also updated my graphic driver.
    my win11 is updated too.
    what should i do?


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      Reply To: Windows 11 cant match with my second monitor.why?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Windows 11 cant match with my second monitor.why?

      Has the second monitor ever worked as you describe? Does your computer and the video card/port have the latest updates. How much RAM is free on the computer (system RAM and video RAM)? What make/model computer and video card/port are you running. Hard to offer advice without more information about what devices you are using. Knowing what version of MS Windows you are running is only part of the battle.

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